Sunday Reset and Self Care

Sunday Reset and Self Care

With everything going on in the world and the feeling of uncertainty, one thing we can control is how we care for ourselves. 

I’m a massive advocate of taking moments of self care and when I am really feeling the need, an entire day dedicated to caring for yourself. 

Sunday is my favorite day for self care, because it’s traditionally the laziest day of the week for me.

For my Sunday self care routine, I like to implement different kinds of self care. This means not only taking baths and doing those cozy things that we usually associate with self care, but also doing a bit of a weekly life reset around the house. After all, self care is more than just face masks! (as great as they are)


So we thought we would share different ideas beyond the bubbles, to reset, unwind, fill your cup and all that goodness. 


  • Eat your favorite foods, take time in the kitchen to enjoy the process or get your fav takeout if cooking isn't your thing
  • Stretch or do some yoga
  • Meditate or my fav Sun Bathing in the comfort of your home
  • Putter around your house, explore and reminisce while you putter around for the day
  • Do you nails! If Mani/Pedi's are your thing taking time to pamper yourself can be super relaxing
  • Take stock of the week that just passed and mindfully think through the week to come
  • Go for a walk
  • Work on a hobby (sewing, wood working, writing, photography)
  • Moisturize and pamper yourself from your head to your toes (from body butter to hair masks)
  • Change your sheets (who doesn't like a clean warm fluffy bed?)
  • Visit a friend (either in person or virtually)
  • Accomplish a task you've been putting off (and I know you are like... what! But doesn't it feel good to complete tasks and check things off lists?!)
  • Or... do absolutely nothing all day
  • Learn something new!
  • Meal plan and prep for the week! Creating a plan to nourish and fuel yourself for the week can be 
  • Go for a scenic drive
  • Binge your fav series again
  • Journal
  • Hydrate, drink your water, smoothies, caffeine free tea's etc hydrate
  • Dance PARTY! 
  • Work through how you are feeling currently, acknowledge your feelings and let them out if needed
  • Do a task alone (I am never alone... so even simple tasks done on my own in my own time feels amazing)
  • Unplug from social media and take a day away 


There is no right or wrong way to practice selfcare, it is for you! We just hope that this list can provide you with some ideas or spark some idea's of your own.


How do you like to practice selfcare? 




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